The Cloudex edge
Cloudex follows superior quality assurance protocols while offering the fastest turnaround time, which is essential for critical health conditions. Our unique workflow system, rigorous internal review standards, and our vertical knowledge enable us to offer superior quality within the shortest time period.
The clinical edge
Centre/Institute Advantage
Patient Benefits
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Teleradiology?
Teleradiology is a subset of Telehealth, where radiologists interpret radiology images of various Medical imaging modalities such as X-ray, CT Scan, MRI scan, etc. without the radiologist being physically present at the location where these images are generated.
Q. How Does Teleradiology Work?
Teleradiology involves communication and management such as sending, receiving, archiving, and retrieval of digitized Medical images in DICOM (Digital Imaging and communication in Medicine) standard, and text-based reports along it. The software used for this process is called PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System). Teleradiology uses various ICT Protocols such as LAN, WAN, and internet and makes use of Cloud computing AI and other modern technologies to communicate manage and interpret radiologic studies
Q. Is Teleradiology Considered Telemedicine/ Tele-Health?
Teleradiology, as a subset of telemedicine/ Tele -Health. Telemedicine comprises tel-consultation, teleradiology, telepathology, telesurgery, etc.
Q. What are The Benefits of Teleradiology Solutions?
Round the Clock Reporting Services
Access to Subspecialists
Emergency reporting
Weekend/Holiday Coverage
Access to the radiologist for centers present at the geographically challenged area
Cost Savings